Troubleshooting - IT admin actions

This article describes a few actions the IT admins can do if the learners are facing issues with MS Teams integration

  • Manage Apps:
    • Make sure Lepaya Learning app is listed
    • Make sure there is only one app called Lepaya Learning
    • In Org-wide app settings, make sure Third-party apps is enabled
  • Permission Policy:
    • Go through the list of policies the learners apply to and make sure that, in all of them, either Lepaya Learning app is listed in the allowed list in Third-party apps or that all third-party apps are allowed

  • Go to Enterprise Application, find Lepaya Learning and enter
    • In Permissions:
      • Make sure all the necessary permissions are granted (check the necessary permissions here)
    • In Properties:
      • Make sure Enabled for users to sign-in? is set to Yes
      • If Assignment required? is set to Yes, make sure the learners are added in Users and Groups.

3. Firewall / Proxy / VPN Issue