Required permissions

Lepaya App requires the following application permissions:

PermissionDescriptionWe need this to...
Name: GroupMember.Read.AllRead group memberships
Allows the app to read memberships and basic group properties for all groups without a signed-in user.
- retrieve the list of direct members of a group
Name: User.Read.AllRead all users' full profiles
Allows the app to read the full set of profile properties, group membership, reports and managers of other users in your organization, without a signed-in user
- retrieve a member's information
- list members in tenant
Name: TeamsActivity.SendSend a teamwork activity to any user
Allows the app to create new notifications in users' teamwork activity feeds without a signed in user. These notifications may not be discoverable or be held or governed by compliance policies.
- send an activity feed notification in the scope of a team
- send an activity feed notification to a user
- send an activity feed notification in scope of a chat
Name: Application.Read.AllRead applications
Allows the app to read applications and service principals without a signed-in user.
- retrieve the properties and relationships of a servicePrincipal object (enterprise application ID of our app in the tenant's directory).
- retrieve the list of appRoleAssignment (permissions) that have been granted to our service principal.

Required additional permissions for automated onboarding:

PermissionDescriptionWe need this to...
Name: Team.CreateCreate teams
Create teams, without a signed-in user.
- create a team
Name: Team.ReadBasic.AllGet a list of all teams
Get a list of all teams, without a signed-in user.
- retrieve a specified team
Name: TeamSettings.ReadWrite.AllRead and change all teams' settings
Read and change all teams' settings, without a signed-in user.
- update a specified team
Name: TeamMember.ReadWrite.AllAdd and remove members from all teams
Add and remove members from all teams, without a signed-in user. Also allows changing a team member's role, for example from owner to non-owner.
- add multiple members in a single request to a team
- retrieve a specified team members
Name: TeamsAppInstallation. ReadWriteForTeam.AllManage Teams apps for all teams
Allows the app to read, install, upgrade, and uninstall Teams apps in any team, without a signed-in user. Does not give the ability to read application-specific settings.
- install an app to a specified team
Name: AppCatalog.Read.AllRead all app catalogs
Allows the app to read apps in the app catalogs without a signed-in user.
- list apps from the Microsoft Teams app catalog


We know that giving permissions to a third party can be complicated, so we would like to address some frequently asked questions here:

Q: Can Lepaya read the learner's messages?

A: No, we can't read their messages, even if it's in a channel created by Lepaya.

Q: Can Lepaya send messages on behalf of the learners?

A: No! We can only send messages through Lepaya bot.

Q: Can Lepaya update personal information from the learners on Slack?

A: No.

Security and Compliance Information

Also, here are some links with our security and compliance information: