Generating a HAR File
A HAR (HTTP Archive) file captures the communication between your browser and a website like Lepaya App. This information helps diagnose issues.
To create a HAR file in Chrome, follow these steps:
Go to the URL where the issue occurs. Do not reproduce the issue yet.
Open Developer Tools:
- From menu: Menu → More Tools → Developer Tools.
- Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+C, or Ctrl+Alt+I, or ⌥+⌘+I for Mac.
Click the Network tab.
Locate the round button at the top left of the Network tab and confirm it is in red recording mode. If it's grey, click to turn red to start recording.
Record Button
Use the Clear button (the circle button with a line through it next to the record button) to clear all previous activity.
Clear Button
Select the Preserve log check box on the Network tab.
Check the Disable cache check box.
- Reproduce the steps that create the issue.
- This can be all the login process; or
- Some parts of the App that is not working.
- Save the session as a .har file by right-clicking the grid and selecting Save as HAR with content.
- Please send it to the Lepaya Support team.
- Go to the URL where the issue occurs. Do not reproduce the issue yet.
- Open Developer Tools:
- From menu: Menu → More Tools → Developer Tools.
- Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+C, or Ctrl+Alt+I, or ⌥+⌘+I for Mac.
- Click the Network tab.
- Locate the round button at the top left of the Network tab and confirm it is in red recording mode. If it's grey, click to turn red to start recording.
- Use the Clear button (the circle button with a line through it next to the record button) to clear all previous activity.
- Select the Preserve log check box on the Network tab.
- Check the Disable cache check box.
- Reproduce the steps that create the issue.
- Save the session as a .har file by right-clicking the grid and selecting Save as HAR with content.
- Please send it to the Lepaya Support team.
To create a HAR file in Firefox, follow these steps:
- Go to the URL where the issue occurs. Do not reproduce the issue yet.
- Open Developer Tools in Network mode:
- From menu: Menu → Web Developer → Network.
- Keyboard: Ctrl+Shift+C, or ⌥+⌘+E (Mac).
- Note the Play/Pause button at the top left of the Network tab.
- Button should be in play mode.
- If any information is currently displayed in the grid, clear by clicking the Empty trash can button next to the play/pause button.
- Select the Persist Logs check box on the Network tab.
- Check the Disable cache check box.
- Reproduce the steps that create the issue.
- Save the session as a .har file by right-clicking the grid and selecting Save as HAR with content.
- Please send it to the Lepaya Support team.
To create a HAR file in Safari, follow these steps:
- Check the Safari menu bar at the top of the screen for a Develop menu.
- If not visible, turn it on by going to Safari → Settings → Advanced.
- Check the checkbox at the bottom next to Show Develop menu in menu bar.
- Go to the URL where the issue occurs. Do not reproduce the issue yet.
- Open Network tab in Web Inspector:
- From menu: Develop → Show Web Inspector → Network.
- Keyboard: ⌥+⌘+I → Network
- Check Preserve Log checkbox on left side of the Network tabs, within the Other filter options... menu.
- Clear current Network items by clicking the Delete Trash icon at the far right of Network tabs.
- Keyboard: ⌘+K
- Keyboard: ⌘+K
- Check the Disable caches check box.
- Reproduce the steps that create the issue.
- Save the session as a .har file by right-clicking the grid and selecting Save as HAR with content.
- Please send it to the Lepaya Support team.
Updated 11 months ago